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Real Women Talking about Motherhood Questionnaire

The issues of today’s mothers are unlike any that have come before. Mothers today are “blessed” with choices, and making them with much reflection and substantial empowerment. But, we’ve heard that while many women today are fortunate enough to have choices, these choices often come with a price tag. Mothers today are trying to make sense of how to live their lives in this paradoxical age of choices, mothering on their own terms, on a more level playing field, while simultaneously trying to free themselves from the constraints of the super hero myth. Our research is becoming a dynamic book we are writing, called Real Women Talking about Motherhood.

For the last year, we have been busy speaking to moms of all kinds. In the process, we have connected with hundreds of women from all across the United States and beyond. We listened carefully to stay-at-home moms, whose calendars are triple booked and who manage not only to keep up with their children, spouses/partners and homes, but who also devote countless hours giving back to their communities. And we spoke to moms who work outside the home part-time, flex-time and full-time in a host of professions. In both camps, we heard from women who have re-invented themselves since having children and from women who have somehow managed to create a more balanced life style.

Let’s discuss the choices we've made (or had made for us) and reflect on what is and is not working. Our hope is that Real Women Talking about Motherhood becomes one of a very few books that “reaches across the aisles” so to speak, and connects all women. In the ideal world we will generate some national buzz and spur some change. At a minimum, we will enjoy discussing these issues. And while dialoguing, we will validate our collective experiences – resulting in our feeling better about the choices we've made and the hectic lives we are living. We ought to put ourselves back on our own “to do” lists, and make 2010-2011 the year in which we seek more balance (and ultimately happiness) in our lives.

With this in mind, we sincerely hope you will take some of your precious “free” time to answer any or all of the following questions. Please elaborate and be as specific as possible. We really want to hear Real Women Talking!

1.  What does work/life balance or life balance mean to you?

2.  Some say that work/life balance is a myth?  Do you agree with this statement?  Tell us what you think.

3.  Considering that we are the first generation of women who have been socialized to “have it all and do it all”, what information would you have liked to have had when planning a career, that you didn’t have, that would have served you now?  Would you have done anything differently given that information?

4.  How are you and your family affected (financially and emotionally) by the choice(s) you have made in regard to work?

5.  What has influenced your work/life balance decisions (culture, family background, societal pressures, role models)?

6.  What advice would you give to young women about to enter the work force or to those making decisions about future careers?

7.  Where do YOU fit in on your "to do" list?  (Please describe  what YOU do for your own self care and how you squeeze this in to your schedule.  If you don't spend any time doing for yourself, please explain the reasons you don't).

8.  When it comes to childrearing, most agree "it takes a village." In what way(s) do your women friends (your "village") help you thrive while mothering?  Please explain.

I (the "Contributor") understand that by submitting any responses, stories or other information, whether verbal or written, herein or subsequently ("Contributions"), in connection with the Real Women Talking about Motherhood Questionnaire, I grant to Jennifer Finkelstein and Shari Berman (the "Authors") and their agents, publishers and assigns the right in perpetuity to publish, reproduce or otherwise use my Contributions, in any way, at their discretion, in any and all media and all communication channels (such as, without limitation, print, mail, email, internet, broadcast, blogs, etc.), as authorized below. I hereby release the Authors, their agents, publishers and assigns, from any obligation to make payment hereunder and from any liability incurred in connection with the use of the text or materials submitted. The Authors may edit my Contributions for content, length, and/or clarity. Nothing herein shall constitute an employment, joint venture or partnership relationship between the Contributor and the Authors. In no way is the Contributor to be construed as the agent or to be acting as the agent of the Authors in any respect. Participation in the Questionnaire constitutes Contributor's consent to the Authors‘ use of name, biographical information and state(s) of residence, as authorized below for promotional and commercial purposes in any media, without limitation, and without payment.

     I have read and agree to the above language. *

     I am comfortable with my first name being used in the Book or
     I would prefer an alias be used in lieu of my name.

  City, State of residence:
   Number of children:
  City, State, Country of birth:
Stay-at-home Mom.
Working outside the home.  If yes, please briefly describe type of
work and whether work is full-time, part-time, telecommute, job-share, etc.
“Hybrid Mom.”  Self-employed, run a business from home, freelance, etc.
Please explain:
How did you hear of us?    

* Required information.

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